Lilac 'Bloomerang Purple'

Lilac 'Bloomerang Purple'

Syringa x 'Bloomerang Purple'

Bloomerang Purple lilac is a reblooming lilac. It blooms in spring along with other lilacs, takes a brief rest to put on new growth, then will bloom again from mid-summer through fall. Somewhat smaller than other lilacs, it also has a nice, rounded shape that looks great anywhere you plant it in the landscape. Star-like flowers are a beautiful shade of lilac purple and are pleasantly scented.

Bloomerang lilacs are also noted for their disease resistance - no worries about ugly white or brown foliage to spoil the floral show. And like other lilacs, it is sun-loving and deer-resistant, so it makes an easy care choice for years of beauty.

Average height
5 ft
Average width
5 ft
Bloom colour
Bloom months
Foliage colour
Sun zone
Full sun
Water zone
Medium water
2 Gallon
Product availability and prices are subject to change. If you have any questions please call 250 498 8898.