'Purple D'oro' Daylily

'Purple D'oro' Daylily

Hemerocallis 'Purple D'oro'

Stella de Oro is the most popular Daylily in the world, unrivalled for a number of flowers and length of bloom time. So you know that Purple de Oro is going to have that same unbeatable breeding! 

This fantastic miniature variety is a midsummer to fall bloomer that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

The blooms are quite full, with deep purple petals and golden throats. They can reach 2½ inches wide, really standing out on such a small plant.

A great choice of ground cover or planting in smaller garden sites, this plant does well in just about any light and soil conditions. Best growth and flowering, particularly the first season or two, will always be in enriched, well-drained soil, so pamper it to get it going, then watch it take off.

Average height
2 ft
Average width
20 ft
Bloom colour
Bloom months
Foliage colour
Sun zone
Full sun
Water zone
Medium water
1 Gallon
2 Gallon
Product availability and prices are subject to change. If you have any questions please call 250 498 8898.