New Vintage Violet

New Vintage Violet

Archillea millefolium

10-14" tall x 10-12" wide. Achillea New Vintage™Violet (New Vintage™Violet Yarrow) is a long-blooming selection with unusual, eye-catching plum-violet flowers that hold their colour. A small plant at maturity, this perennial is useful for planting around taller perennials and in pots as a companion plant for annuals. The nectar-rich flowers are excellent for attracting butterflies that like to land on the flat-topped umbels (flowers). Easy to grow and very cold hardy, this plant is outstanding for northern gardens. Unlike common varieties of fern-leaf Achillea, New Vintage™Violet does not reseed itself.

Average height
30 cm
Average width
30 cm
Bloom colour
Foliage colour
Sun zone
Medium sun
Water zone
Medium water
2 Gallon
Product availability and prices are subject to change. If you have any questions please call 250 498 8898.