Slope stabilization/ grassland restoration
If you have a disturbed area and don't want invasive weeds to encroach and take over, we can help. Our native seed selection covers most grasses that grow in our basin deserts up to our alpine meadows. We will make a custom blend depending on where you are located in our province. Please see the list of grasses we commonly carry. If there is a species you need that isn't on our list, please let us know and we will see if our suppliers have any available. We like to make custom blends to your needs.
Lawn Alternatives
We offer a drought-tolerant fescue blend called Eco-Lawn. What is Eco-Lawn? ( This blend can be kept as a traditional lawn or left to grow into a meadow appearance. Perennial flower seeds can be added to enhance this look. Please contact us for more information. We also offer Clover and Yarrow blends.
What seeds do we carry?
Dryland grasses:
Bluebunch Wheatgrass - (Pseudoregeneria spicata)
Idaho Fescue - (Festuca idahoensis)
Rough Fescue - (Festuca campestris)
Western Fescue - (Festuca occidentalis)
Rocky Mt. Fescue - (Festuca saximontana)
Junegrass - (Koeleria macranthra)
Sand Dropseed - (Sporobolis cryptandrus)
Sandberg Bluegrass - (Poa secunda)
Needle and Thread Grass - (Stipa comata)
Indian Rice Grass - (Oryzopsis hymenoides)
Wetland/Riparian grasses:
Spike Bentgrass - (Agrostis exerata)
Hair Bentgrass - (Agrostis scabra)
Slender Hairgrass - (Deschampsia elongata)
Tufted Hairgrass - (Deschampsia caespitosa)
Fowl Bluegrass -(Poa palustris)
Fringed Brome - (Bromus ciliatus)
Mountain Brome - (Bromus marginatus)
Canada Bluejoint - (Calmagrostis canadensis)
Giant Wild Rye - (Elymus cinereus)
Perennial Flowers:
Western Yarrow - Achillea millefolium
Creamy Buckwheat - Eriogonum heracleoides
Snow Buckwheat - Eriogonum niveum
Brown-eyed Susan - Gaillardia aristata
Arrow Leaved Balsamroot - Balsamorhiza sagittata
Fireweed - Chamaenerion angustifolium
Pearly Everlasting - Anaphalis margaritacea
Rosy Pussytoes - Antennaria microphylla
Shrubby Penstemon - Penstemon fruiticosa
Goldenrod - Solidago canadensis
Blue flax - Linum perenne
Basin Sagebrush - Artemesia tridentata
Mt. Sagebrush - Artemesia tridentata vaseyana
Rabbit Brush - Chrysothamnus nauseosus
Saskatoon - Amelanchier alnifolia